Our Mission

The Friends of the Somerset County Library, also known as the Friends of the Bridgewater Library, is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping the library make information and knowledge accessible to the communities it serves. The Friends purchases special materials, enhances the library environment, and sponsors numerous programs throughout the year. Funds are generated by book sales and donations.

Several volunteers contributed to a February 2025 column on The BReeze featuring local nonprofit organizations.

Upcoming Events

Our next concert will feature Ilya Yakushev (piano) with Tommy Mesa (cello) on Friday, March 28 at 7:00 PM. Limited space is available and seating is first come, first served.

Ilya Kakushev (piano) and Tommy Mesa (cello) will perform on Friday, March 28, 2025 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room ABC of the Bridgewater branch. Limited space is available - first come, first served - and doors will open at 6:45 PM.

You can find all planned performances for the 2024-2025 season on our Concerts page.

  • Summer carnival photo booth
    Summer carnival photo booth
In Honor of June Adams